Saturday, August 6, 2022

Pembukaan Booth Promosi TT Events & TT Education Group di MBI Ipoh

Pada 5 & 6 Julai yang lalu, TT Events dan TT Education Group telah membuka Booth Promosi di MBI Ipoh selama 2 hari. Tujuan booth tersebut dibuka adalah untuk mempromosikan TT Events dan juga TT Education Group kepada orang ramai. Team daripada TT Events & TT Education Group telah memulakan penyediaan atau set up booth seawal pukul 9 pagi di tempat yang telah disediakan oleh pihak MBI Ipoh. Setelah siap set up booth tersebut, team yang terlibat mula mengedarkan flyers kepada orang ramai di sekitar booth.

Antara pakej yang ditawarkan oleh TT Events:

Manakala, di bawah TT Education Group iaitu Taska Ibu Tina, International Kids Campus (IKC), dan Sekolah Rendah Integrasi Ar-Rahman, team yang terlibat mempromosikan juga pakej-pakej yang telah ditawarkan


Taska Ibu Tina

SRI Ar-Rahman

Apa yang menariknya lagi, cabutan bertuah juga disediakan kepada yang mendaftar di booth sama ada untuk TT Events, Taska, IKC dan Sekolah KAFA. 
Rata-rata pengunjung yang hadir ke booth kami bertanyakan soalan tentang pakej yang ditawarkan atau lokasi bagi setiap tempat

Walaupun booth promosi ini dibuka pada hari bekerja, terdapat beberapa pengunjung yang sudi mendaftar untuk TT Events

Ia diharapkan agar program/promosi seumpama ini akan mendapat sambutan yang lebih ramai pada masa akan datang. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

 Allhamdulillah..done with Ipoh Selawat Event  and the Kids Campus convocation last November 2019.
It was a great event and thanks to the fantastic event spaces it was even more successful.
The best in class sound and video system and also the light system at Tina Tajuddin Event Management, was really helpful in running the show.

The video system includes a 7.11 meter LED screen which is almost as big as the stage itself, and it's an amazing sight to have any kind of video or design displayed through it as you can see in the image above the banner of the event which you see is actually LED display and that image is being used as backdrop on it, the LED can be easily connected to the Laptop or USB and can play almost all kind of format of video or pictures.

The Sound system is as awesome as it can get,the speakers are from JBL brand and the sound system is fully equipped with all the best in class hardware.throughout the event it work without any problem.

The lighting system provided different functionality and it could be use as a disco lighting and it could also can be use as spotlight and provided various color output.

There was sufficient space to accommodate more than 200 packs enough parking area to make sure that our guests can easily park there vehicle and along with the security guard service the guests wouldn't have to worry about their vehicle safety. 

The event space was big enough that we were also able to organize futsall.
Anything for enquirers can called this number at :

Dayang : 019 881 9805

Pembukaan Booth Promosi TT Events & TT Education Group di MBI Ipoh

Pada 5 & 6 Julai yang lalu, TT Events dan TT Education Group telah membuka Booth Promosi di MBI Ipoh selama 2 hari. Tujuan booth tersebu...